What were you first trying to communicate through music?
I wanted to create music in which I could sing and talk with my soul, music for people to dance to, and at the same time get in touch with my origins with some Arabic elements, French elements. With this, I started to find out who I am and how I wanted to express myself. I started producing. The first album wasn’t amazing but it didn’t matter. I was having fun, learning, and getting better. In 2019 I went to Los Angeles with a friend of mine who had their own label, with a focus on tech-house. We made an album together and I was happy about that — but I still hadn’t found my world. Then covid came. Over lockdown, I took the time out to learn, experiment, and to try to understand. After, it was clear.

I started to be myself. I started to play my kind of music in Paris. People already knew me from my time as a singer and I was already well connected so it all went quite fast. They trusted me, saying ‘If you think you’re ready to play this venue, that venue, then you’re ready. We trust you.’ They gave me some gigs at various clubs and private parties. Then I released the Rebirth E.P. with Bakean, which also had Sa Ansa and Mon Amour featuring David Abitbol, and a Valeron remix of Rebirth and an FNX Omar remix of Mon Amour. It was the beginning of a new life and a new story for me. I went to Tulum for a few months and met so many new faces. I didn’t know anyone when I got there but without risk, you don’t gain anything, right? ■